

Publisher and responsible for the content in terms of press law:
Dream Jobs 4 Future
Petőfi Sándor u.13
1052 Budapest

Phone: +49 17630443991

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Register court: Fővárosi Törvényszék Cégbírósága 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 28

Register number: 01-09-392174

Authorized Representative Managing Director: Dr. Michael Hutter

Sales tax identification number according to § 27a UStG: Tax ID: 27489538-2-41, EU Tax ID: HU27489538

Concept, layout and programming: Threenet GbR,

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Please read the following terms of use for the Dream Jobs 4 Future website carefully . By accessing and using this website, you agree to be bound by these terms of use. If you do not wish to agree to these terms, please do not continue to use this website.


On this website, Dream Jobs 4 Future provides selected information on various topics and its services. Thereby we pursue the goal to make current and exact information available to the interested public. For this purpose, this website is compiled with the greatest possible care and continuously updated. Despite the greatest care, the data may have already changed at the time of your use. Should we learn of any errors, we will correct them as quickly as possible. However, Dream Jobs 4 Future accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the information on this website. Provided that from this website by means of hyperlinks to external websites one refers, which are operated by third, the Dream Jobs 4 Future does not take over responsibility and adhesion for their contents.


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Herewith inform you about the possibility of the dispute settlement procedure for consumers according to § 36 Consumer Dispute Settlement Act. Dream Jobs 4 Future does not participate in such out of court dispute resolution procedures and is not legally obliged to do so.

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