
Sous chef The right hand of the chef

As the right hand and deputy of the head chef, the sous chef acts as a link between the management level and the team within the kitchen brigade.

What are the tasks?

Sous Chef or Sous Koch is derived from the French and means in German as much as "Unterchef". In the hierarchy of the kitchen brigade, the sous chef is second to the head chef, whose duties he takes over when the latter is absent. He coordinates the work of the positions under him and ensures a well-functioning daily kitchen routine. The Sous Chef plays a decisive role in the quality control of the dishes and participates in the planning of the menu as well as the conception of new dishes. He is also involved in administrative activities such as the use of goods, purchasing and personnel planning.

What are the requirements?

The prerequisite for working as a sous chef is a successfully completed three-year chef training and several years of experience in this profession. In addition to the technical skills of cooking, the job description Sous Chef also requires commercial skills, for example, for the planning of the use of goods or purchasing. In addition, a practiced handling of the subordinate staff is required. Sous chefs are team players with assertiveness and the ability to quickly identify and solve problems.

What are the fields of application?

  • everywhere where several people cook together
  • Restaurants
  • Restaurants
  • Hotels
  • Cruise ships
  • Banquet Service

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Contact person Mag. Oliver Barna