
For companies Qualified personnel wanted?

Qualified employees are unfortunately not found on every corner. With the recruitment service of Dream Job for Future you transfer your recruitment to an experienced partner and benefit from many advantages. Avoid time- and labor-intensive recruitment processes and count instead on a high success rate in the permanent staffing.

Your advantages at Dream Jobs 4 Future

  • Direct placement of personnel with short response time
  • Assumption of time-consuming recruiting tasks
  • Conservation of own resources
  • Predominantly success-oriented remuneration
  • Transparent processes and reliable results
  • Contact person for all questions arising in connection with the employment of the new employees in Germany

Systematic selection procedure

We discuss with you the exact requirements profile for your future employees and place job advertisements in the target group relevant media such as print or Internet. In addition, we maintain our database of qualified European applicants and immediately present you with suitable candidates. We sift through the incoming applications, pre-select and conduct initial interviews with interesting applicants before they enter our applicant pool. We then present the application documents of recommended candidates to you and you decide who you would like to meet via Skype or in person.

Integration of the new employees into your company

Once you have decided on a suitable candidate, it is important to integrate him or her into your company right from the start. If your company has an active welcoming culture, the new employee will immediately have a positive feeling about your company. This pays off in the long run, because it increases the motivation of the new employees and binds them to the company in the long run. There is also a very good brochure from the BDA (Confederation of German Employers' Associations). It highlights various measures that will help to "welcome" the new employee and facilitate integration in the company.

Tips for successful onboarding

Welcome package: What always goes down well is a welcome package with some information about your company and the region. For example, an overview map of public transport, directions to the workplace and information about nearby facilities such as restaurants, public libraries or medical treatment centres will make the transition easier.

Promotion of language courses: Among other things, the promotion of language courses is a necessary measure for a successful integration into your team and company. Of course, various aspects such as the length of the contract and the structure of your company must be taken into account. It makes a difference whether you are dealing with an international company for which the foreign employee will only be working in Germany for one or two years and where a lot is communicated in English or whether you are dealing with a longer-term contract at a medium-sized company where German is predominantly spoken. You can find helpful information at the Fachstelle Berufsbezogenes Deutsch or at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

International colleagues: International colleagues can also be very helpful, especially during the initial period in Germany. For example, they can offer support in finding accommodation and dealing with the authorities, in finding a kindergarten, in applying for telephone and Internet connections or in dealing with banking matters.

Relocating Service: Alternatively, a relocating service can be a good idea to avoid being overwhelmed, especially in the beginning.

You would like to get to know us better?

Contact us by phone or by mail, we are looking forward to you!